What is the phone number and email?
What are the opening hours?
Where is Roma located?
Do you cater for dietary requirements?
I’ve tried booking online, but there are no spots available?
Should I make a table reservation?
How do I make a reservation?
Can I sit outside?
Do you require a deposit for Restaurant reservations?
How do I change or cancel an existing reservation?
Do I have to do a tasting menu in the Restaurant?
Do you do private events/ functions?
Do you do BYO?
Is Roma wheelchair accessible?
Can I bring in a cake? Is there a fee?
Is there a quieter spot to sit?
Do you have a cancellation/refund policy for special events?
Does Roma accept Amex?
Are you open on public holidays?
Do you sell gift vouchers?
I have an eleven gift voucher. Can I still use it?
How do I use my gift voucher?
Do you have a children’s menu?